One of our employees is due to return from maternity soon and has put in a request for flexible working. Her suggestion is that on 2 days a week she will work from home (with no child minder) and on the other 3 days she will log on at home from 8-9.30am whilst she is waiting for the child minder to arrive. She will then get to the office at aroud 10am.
She is not intending to change her hours, simply work from home for an hour and a half each morning plus 2 days a week. Whilst she is a very concientious employee, I am concerned at her ability to be able to work at home if there is no-one looking after the child as she will constantly be required to attend to the baby’s needs. We really want her to return to work but I can’t see this arrangement working. It is also quite difficult to explain to her that we don’t believe she will be working whilst at home with the baby as I’m sure she will feel quite adamantly that she can! We could agree to a trial run but I know that once we have implemented this arrangement, it will be very difficult to take it away from her if it doesn’t work.
Any ideas from anyone?
Nathalie Lubbock