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Are we unmoved and apathetic?


Along with several hundred other practitioners, I read interesting and challenging articles here. What I can't understand is why there is so little reaction, so few comments. I know for sure that most of us have strong opinions (especially over a glass of something!) so why are we so quiet on HR Zone?

Are people concerned that they may be criticised by peers, employers or whoever? As far as I am concerned, unless I specifically state otherwise, anything I express on here is my own personal opinion. Perhaps HR Zone should qualify these pages with that proviso, to ensure freedom of expression?

Or, horror of horrors, are we basically unmoved and apathetic?


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8 Responses

  1. Meaningful posts!
    Just found this thread. I am a regular blogger. I can tell from my stats how many readers I have. From time to time one of those readers posts a comment. All of those have been interesting, relevant and often helpful. I also read many blogs and other sites where there is an option to comment. I will happily do so – again if I think my comments might be interesting, relevant or helpful.
    Some people are very comfortable seeing their name in print.There of course a huge growth in social networking using sites like bebo and myspace – so maybe it will just take time to impact here!

    For those who are concerned that posting might have an impact on current or future employment – make sure your post is wise (and positive) – and emphasises your strengths – you never know who might be reading.

  2. Lethargy would rule if it could find the energy
    It not just here Mike posted a comment on the CIPD website and after a few postings mainly by Mike and myself the thread dried up.

  3. Knowledge is power
    Unfortunately there appear to be a number of reasons for the failure to share.

    There the “it’s my ball and I’m going home”. A few years ago I worked for an HR Director who stated that as a lot of the HR Directors from our competitor firms had once worked for him they couldn’t possibly know more than him so even if they did want to share knowledge he didn’t want it as they could not teach him anything.

    Next we have the “I know it all.” They then get all huffy when they are challenged.

    Next we have I afraid to make myself look a fool.

    And finally we have the why should I bother when other people are doing all the work.

    As Denis Barnard said any exchange of ideas, concepts or opinions is beneficial to any self-respecting HR practitioner – almost a CPD experience.

    All so called super posters’ started in the same place as everyone else. As an HR Professional of over 20 years experience I take the view that I don’t know everything and I have been known to post questions and requests for help myself and ask my staff for help if they know more than I do.

    All I can say to non-contributors if you have a view or a piece of knowledge share it. A lot of my own knowledge has been gained by putting knowledge from different sources together to come up with an answer.

  4. Time to Post?
    I would think that any exchange of ideas, concepts or opinions in HR Zone would be beneficial to any self-respecting HR practitioner – almost a CPD experience.

    And it’s free!

  5. Whats the time Mr Wolf?
    Duncan makes an interesting observation about employees worried about what their boss might say – having the time of the posting listed, while useful may act as a barrier for some??

    (got to go, the boss has just walked in!)

  6. Come on in
    This question was raised in the Any Answers forum a few months ago:
    So many watchers…

    I agree with DWB – share your views; all ideas welcome!

    HR Zone

  7. Quality not quantity
    Dear DWB,

    There are also other things to be taken into account.

    Sometimes the first return poster gives the advice that you would aka, there is no point just saying the same things again.

    There also appear (from questions raised) to be lots of people who are members of this forum who either feel they do not have the knowledge or are looking for that knowledge from others, which gennerally comes from a small group of people(for which there is nothing wrong)

    If you remember there was a news article only last week stating that some employers are checking people out on line. So it’s not surprising that some may be reticent.

    Sure it is a shame that more don’t post. However the comments made are often positive and isn’t quality better than quality?

    Everyone is different as Mike says.

  8. Unmoved…
    Hi DWB
    there are many other forums where contributers have been ‘blasted’ for their views, I believe that for many people this is a fear.
    There was an interesting debate a couple of weeks ago on another forum about this. With the fear of negative comments being high on the list – by far the biggest comment was: what can I add that ‘these super posters’ cannot? Or indeed feeling undermined by some (all?) ‘super posters’.

    Unmoved – no – apathetic – well that is a different matter.

    People contribute or not for their own reasons. As I was told once there are three important things to remember about people and their contributions:
    1 )people are different
    2) people are different
    3) people are different

    Mike Morrison

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