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I run a free membership website to support any practitioner or HR department in delivering soft skills and personal development/employability skills. I’ve worked in this field for many years and I am passionate about the ability of these sorts of skills to contribute to workplace productivity, motivation and interpersonal skills. Join here at

We have members from all over the world.

Yet this industry (soft skills) is very unregulated. I care about creating a gold standard and have developed the UK’s first postgraduate certificate in delivering soft skills and experiential learning. This is validated by the University of Roehampton and is the culmination of many years spent in developing employabiity qualifications for all the major awarding bodies.

I’ve also written a book that redefines soft skills and individual competences and qualities that we can each learn and develop. Find out more here:

In connection with this book I’ve designed 2-day experiential learning workshops that I’m currently piloting in a range of settings from undergraduates to senior managers, from ex-offenders to long-term unemployed. I’m creating a licensed trainer network to make these kinds of programme more affordable and for them to serve as springboards for individuals to take more responsibility for their lives and for their productivity at work.

My consultancy also works on large-scale consultancy employability projects and I’m currently working in Tanzania and Bangladesh.

I’ve joined this site to make new connections, to contribute and to help.