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Automated absence management and reporting service developed


A multi-channel (utilising telephone, email, text and web technology) automated recording and reporting system has been developed to help employers effectively manage sickness absence.

Created by AXA PPP healthcare in association with BT, SAM (Sickness Absence Management) uses sophisticated software to capture, log and analyse data from employees calling in sick.

Employees can use the system whatever time of the day or night to phone in sick. Once a call is received, SAM logs and collates the information and automatically reports the absence to the designated person, such as the line manager or HR, by email and/or text message.

The service will enable employers to manage day-to-day non-attendance by instantly reported employee absences. Trigger alerts refer those employees likely to need management or medical support

SAM’s analysis of employee input is also used to generate online management information reports so that employers can track absence trends throughout the organisation. This, in turn, allows managers to identify absence hotspots and potential problem areas, such as work-related stress.

Dudley Lusted, head of corporate healthcare development at AXA PPP healthcare, said: “Working with BT has enabled us to create a powerful new people management tool. It is astonishing how many employers don’t know how much ill health, injury and absence cost their organisations. Lack of clear, consistent data on employee attendance is a critical shortcoming that SAM has been developed to overcome.”

The cost of the service varies with the number of employees covered, but as an example, it would cost £10 per head for a group of 1,000 employees.

For further information about SAM, please call 0800 023 2591.

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