We’ve all had them. Those awkward interviews where you wish the ground would open up and swallow you whole. And you’re the interviewer! For those of you who regularly interview, here are the top 10 stupid things you can do in an interview. I wonder how many of these you would ‘fess up to?

1. Make your mind up about the candidate based on the way they look.

Sound obvious, I know. As human beings we so often make decisions about people based on how they look or what they’re wearing but in an interview situation, you need to try and put your personal subjective opinions to one side and ask good, objective questions about their abilities and experience. It’s tough but you’ll find that you are a better interviewer if you can master this one.

2. Forget their name or call them by the wrong name.

If you want to make a person feel special and interesting, forgetting their name or calling them something else is not the way to do it. You may have difficulty remembering names but keep their CV in front of you and refer to it as often as you need to in order to remember their name.

3. Tell them your life story.

The candidate’s a little bit nervous. You want to put them at ease so you tell them a funny story about the time you got stuck in the lift with the Managing Director and how it all got a bit out of hand and… stop! Yes, be friendly and welcoming but please, please, don’t give too much away. If they don’t get the job, they’ll think you’re incredibly unprofessional. If they do get the job, they’ll know far too much about you before they even start!

4. Spend the first half hour telling them all about the company and the job.

When it comes to that killer “what makes you think you’re the best person for the job?” question, if they have an ounce of sense they’ll use the information you gave them to make themselves out to be the ideal candidate.

5. Tell the candidate you looked them up on Facebook.

Big mistake. It may not be illegal but it sure ain’t ethical. If you’re going to google a candidate and they’ve been stupid enough to put lots of their personal information and drunken photos on show for all and sundry, at least have the decency to keep it to yourself. You’re supposed to be interviewing them based on their ability to do the job, remember?

6. Flirt outrageously.

I don’t care if you do fancy him or her. Please try not to show it. Definitely don’t show it if you’re interviewing with another colleague or on a panel. No one will trust your judgement ever again which is ideal if you don’t want to hold any more interviews but not so good if you want to be taken seriously in the office.

7. Tell the whole truth.

Especially if you’re having a bad day and you hate your employer. Interviewees will expect you to be honest. But not too honest.

8. Lie.

Lying isn’t the way forward either. The interview should be a two way conversation, allowing the candidate to find out enough information about the people and the company to decide whether or not he or she wants to work there. Lying to them is not going to help them make their decision. At best, you’ll look stupid when you get found out. At worst, you may lose the best candidate for the job. Don’t lie – it’s not big, nor is it clever.

9. Ask stupid questions.

Like “What star sign are you?”. Unless you’re Russell Grant, does it matter?

10. Tell them that you’ll be in touch…

..And then don’t bother. Ok, strictly speaking this is one for after the interview, but honestly.. it’s such bad form to not give feedback. Even if the interview went very badly, there will still be something you can salvage in order to give feedback. And I mean constructive feedback – something that the interviewee can learn from for the future instead of something that will crush their hopes and dreams. You have the power so use it wisely.

Comments? Suggestions? Want to share your stupid interview stories? Please do!