Talent acquisition is a top priority for all companies, no matter what their size. To get the job done, you need the right person to do it. End of story. But with so many options now available for sourcing talent, where should employers focus their time and energy? 
We can’t answer such a tough question on our own. We need your help. Answer Software Advice‘s seven-question survey–win an iPad Mini! But quick, survey closes April 9th!
In the recruiting world, there has been a lot of talk about social recruiting–i.e., utilizing social media outlets like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to find candidates. Additionally, the nature of employee referrals is evolving, as these social channels allow current employees to post vacancies on their personal social profiles. 
As a result, the recruiting world is changing rapidly. Whereas sourcing and hiring was once under the exclusive, almost despotic, purview of the HR department–the experts who held the keys to the metaphorical employment castle–social channels have democratized the entire process. Everyone now has a voice. But determining which voices should be heeded, and which forums garner the most appropriate candidates for the job, is becoming more difficult as recruiters are overwhelmed with options.
To help navigate the evolving recruiting landscape, you need to know where you should focus your efforts. Are job boards still your best bet? Or does your company’s career page funnel excellent resumes into your inbox? Should you focus more time and energy scouring through profiles on LinkedIn? On Facebook? There are so many questions recruiters must now ask themselves to stay on top of their game.
In order to help HR departments and recruiting agencies prepare for a future that will undoubtedly be affected even more by technological innovation, we’ve prepared this survey to help determine which recruiting channels deliver the greatest bang for their buck, as well as provide employers with a clearer picture of the recruiting landscape as it stands now–and where it’s going.