AIBS AMITY HUMAN VALUE QUARTER organized university level documentary competition on the topic-


AIBS organized a University level Documentary completion on 5th March , at I3 seminar Hall Ground floor from 2.30 pm onwards .

The competition was designed to bring about awakening to the youth about the social, moral and ethical issues happening in our country and in the world thereby moving a step forward in eliminating the weeds from the nook and corner of the country.

The event was designed to take real life pictures and movies on various issues . The main features included

1.    Group members – 2-5 students

2.    Duration of Documentary – 5-8 mins

3.    Write up on the issue depicted

4.    Brief presentation and experience on the topic

Professors from various departments had been invited as the judges for the competition and we are graced with the presence of judges Prof .(Dr)S.K Pachauri , Dr. Monica Soni(AIPS) and Prof (Dr) Taranjeet (ABS)

Participants made documentaries focusing the various issues happening in and around the society. 14 Teams from various departments have participated in the event like AITTM, AGBS, ASB, ASSCO and AIBS

Topics were as follows:

Imperfections of robust youth, Road safety, Human trafficking, Night shelters, Sangharsh(The orphanage), Landfills in Delhi, Street children, Old age homes, Child labour, children of the streets, perception- a weapon to end crime against women, Autism, state of women in the society and Hepatits.

Prof (Dr.) Arun Sachar , Addl Director AIBS and the Judges highlighted  the issues and encouraged the conduct of the event .Prizes were  given to the winners by the Judges and the Director (Additional) of AIBS

First prize   : AGBS for the topic Child labour

Second prize: AIBS for the topic children of the streets

                         AITTM  for Perception- a weapon to end the crime

                         against women.

Third prize : AIBS for “Autism” and ASB for Human trafficking

Student Coordinators :        MBA 2nd Sem

Navyatha Thota

Shiva Yadav

Shrutika Agarwal

Vipin Dhingra 

Faculty Coordinator :

Prof (Dr ) Shikha Kapoor