Leadership and management engagement is the glue that holds the business together. Leaders ultimately deliver the business’ strategies: business vision, change, reward and many other HR initiatives, to the frontline.

Do your leaders understand the vision, changes and reward strategy? Do they understand it well enough, buy-in to it and confident enough to cascade them to the rest of the business?

We are running a seminar on 30 November, 8.30am at The Gherkin, London for HR managers and directors.

We aim to explore the role and responsibilities of leaders, how to engage them, how to give them the confidence to cascade and how to tailor communications to the different competency and confidence levels of your leaders. This must attend event will be presented by employee communication strategy expert, Christopher Hopkins and offer lots of opportunities for discussion, interaction and personal action planning.


08.30 Arrival and breakfast
08.45 Presentation
09.20 Interactive workshop
09.50 Break
10.00 Discussion and Q&A
10.30 Close

Reserve your place

This seminar is a small event, so places are strictly limited to HR professionals. To register or find out more please call Sara Board on 01273 480404 or email us at events@caburnhope.co.uk