Do you struggle to say no to requests for your time?

Do you drop whatever you’re doing to help others despite having deadlines?

If the answer to the two questions above was yes, then you will probably benefit from these approaches for saying No more effectively.

Quite often people struggle with saying no to someone request as they don’t want to offend them. It’s even more difficult when it’s your boss that’s making the request. Adopting a more assertive approach to your language and tone can bring much better results.

The assertive approaches below will help you to say no more effectively whilst at the same maintaining and building the relationship for the future.


 How do you say NO to people? What suggestions would you have for other people? It would be good to read your views……..

Martin Smith Learning and Development Ltd is a specialist consultancy working with leaders at all levels to improve their relationships with the people that they interact with both internally and externally to the company. We work with organisations, teams and individuals to identify how they can get the best from their people. We have experience spanning diverse industries and encompassing sectors such as engineering, design, customer service, finance, supply chain, sales and procurement.

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