When any kind of organisational change is happening there are always rumblings of trepidation that ripple through the organisation. It may even mean redundancies. How do you keep the staff you need to stay or to be ambassadors fully engaged throughout the change? Whilst also keeping up their day job also.
Well, one way is through coaching, it sends out a strong message that the change is going to happen and there will be a sound company standing at the end. The person receiving the coaching has a confidential place in which to express his/her own feeling about what is going on and a chance to process and come to being able to have a sound understanding of their role and how they fit within the new style organisation.

It is also possible that some high standing employees will not have a place in the new set up, in which case you also need to consider them for coaching. They may be needed during the change but understanding that there won’t be a position for them at the end is quite a blow to many. Coaching can help here too – it can help explore what happens next for them, allow them see their part in the transition and it create a place to focus on going forward and to have the coach walk with them through the journey of this process.