I had a growing intuition it was time to end my coaching : I am ready to re-connect  myself  to this turbulent  world with a renewed sense of trust in my own intuition  and  the capacity and confidence to take on  life’s challenges. So what have the last nine months of coaching given me?

Most importantly, space and time to be me, listened to and heard.  Multiple opportunities to give voice to my thinking and feelings; test and try out my ideas and receive challenge and feedback from another I can learn from and trust.

I am sixty not sixteen. I am a still coach and a client. I believe it is never too late to take stock and change and as we say in Elevate, ‘we only grow or shrink, standing still is not an option.’

My coach has ‘walked’ with me, enabled me to let go of the past and readied me to take on new beginnings.  Today has been a good day and a happy ending. I will miss him and yet I know if I trip on another of life’s banana skins, he is only a phone call away.