This article is catered to the many employee’s who woke up this morning feeling that they are overworked and undervalued in their workplace, the employees that are lumbered with every working task imaginable and complete their duties with no fuss – even if that task is something you shouldn’t be doing. Does this sound like you? Now we’re all aware of that section of our contract that says “From time to time, you may be asked to complete tasks outside of your job remit” My question is, how far does this go for some people and where does the buck stop with you?

News items published recently highlighted that three quarters of employee’s would sack their bosses and in turn felt they themselves, could run the companies they work in better than their employers. Now whilst in some cases this may be true, it’s important to note why so many people feel this way.

On a daily basis I come across a host of individuals who are unhappy at work and the main reason for their happiness is because they, 1. Feel they should earn more for the job they do and 2. Do too much work for what they earn. Two different sentences which mean exactly same thing.

Unhappy employees make for bad business environments. It starts with one employee having a decrease in motivation, an increase in stress levels and the eventuality of them leaving their job. This is a situation that can be avoided providing employees disclose any issues they have with the management team. However, what are employees actually doing to change their situation and be happier at work? Only few will have the courage to stand-up and change their situation, if you think you could be paid more; have you asked for a pay-rise? If you feel you do too much work; have you requested you do less?

Most managers will fail to recognise a workers discontent but how can they when an employee does their best to keep that ill feeling under wraps so that they don’t ‘rock the boat’. As a manager or leader of a team how do you spot the discontented employees and are there any tactics you use to weed them out?

Nathan Pearson – Smith

Twitter: @NathanPearsonWH

Linkedin: Nathan Pearson – Smith

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