Recent research once again highlights that email overload has a negative impact on workers
The constant stream of information – especially via email – can lead to feelings of stress, exhaustion and overload.
Emailogic research conducted with members of a Police Constabulary command team and their PA’s showed that after attending email management training there was a reduction in the time staff spent handling email every day per person of 42 minutes.
Other benefits included:
Irrelevant emails received -36.5%
Size of inboxes -26.2%
Number of times checking email per day -36.7%
Comments included:
“This training has taught me to be more efficient and effective and has improved my stress levels.”
“I understand better now that I have control of my emails… they don’t control me!”
“Feel less driven and controlled by emails.”
29 staff attended the training – the time saving of 42 minutes per person will equate to a gain of £72,500 worth of time over the forthcoming year
Consider investing in Email management training in 2013 – and reap the benefits.