One of the best known brands of the last couple of decades has to be NIKE along with the associated “JUST DO IT” slogan invented at an ad agency meeting in 1988. The slogan contributed to Nike increasing its share of the domestic sport-shoe business from 18% to 43% between 1988 and 1998 and it is often used in any situation where people want to demonstrate a sense of urgency, commitment and action.

Based on work I’ve been doing recently, there seems to be a strong case for reminding people that it’s not always wise or helpful to “just do it” and that in order to get back control over their time at work, they need to do more planning. There are various statistics relating to how people spend their time at work, for example…

Whether or not these statistics are true for you, people do seem to agree that they don’t have enough time to focus on getting “real” work done, which results in frustration, stress and a general feeling of dissatisfaction – even before the difficult conversation with the boss happens. There are many ways to take back control and differentiate between the activities that really do need to be done now as well as those that should be stopped or delegated so you can work on the important activities i.e. the ones that pave the way for future success (see Stephen Covey’s work on Urgent v Important). Quite often it’s just a case of taking time out to refocus with the help of someone who can challenge and support you. These tips might also help:

By the way, I’m pleased to say that “write blog” was on my list of 3 things to do today, so I am on track for the week so far! 

by Julie Williams