I see many people updating their status with “Looking for a job” or “Looking for new opportunities”
But do you think you make the most out of Linkedin? Do you think it is going to attract recruiters?
I think it is not the best thing to do for your reputation or your personal brand.
Because you position yourself as someone asking for something, asking for a job, waiting for things to happen, you are being passive!
Instead you could put on your linkedin status that you attended a conference in your industry, you could share articles about your business, or even promote your next speaking gig.
That is a much more efficient way to make recruiters aware that you are an expert in your field, that people refer to you.
“I am looking for a job” does not need to be publicized that way.
You appear to be passive and not proactive.
Show off your skills by sharing, engaging, organizing, offering, giving…
That’s how you will be contacted by recruiters!