Wear the Shakespeare hat and rule the world through high cognitive ability. Well, that’s the message e-learning consulting services want to propagate all over the organizational arena. Now the question is what is this Shakespeare hat. Well, it is not one hat but collection of hats. It is a high power cognitive hat that helps organizational workers to widen their span of relevance. Edward Bono was one of the great cults in creativity who emphasized on the use of this superior cognitive skill. Precisely it is known as parallel thinking. It combines six thinking hats. One can use these hats according to the varying situations. One can even use them collectively to optimize the thinking potential.
Thinking hats are nothing but subconscious zones in mind. One can define thinking hat as a cognitive modes that drive human brain to productive results. Organizations may find it this as useful for making brainstorming sessions result-oriented. Reports have suggested that firms using these lateral and parallel thinking techniques are able to score better in terms of market share. Many companies have used these powerful cognitive techniques to crack brilliant ideas for products. Most car models were the result of parallel thinking endeavors made by engineers. E-learning consulting companies with their earnest endeavors are making organizations realize how valuable lateral thinking is for their operations.
Parallel thinking is not about being serious while doing a task. Instead it emphasizes on techniques to relax brain muscles. Lets take an example to understand it better. Suppose a person travels from his home to office through a route. This is his daily routine. One day while returning to home his car breaks down at a place nearby his office. What will he do? He has to track back his way to home on foot. But this time the movement will be slower as compared to the other days. As there is no car this time. Similar is the fashion in which human brain works. When given a word it reaches several feelings and emotions. However, if given a feeling and asked to track back its way to a word, it is a miserable situation for it. It becomes like that person without car, who takes a long time to reach back to the destination word. It is similar to a situation when one is left on a periphery and asked to track his way back. If one equips himself with parallel thinking techniques then this job becomes easy for him. E-learning management companies make training content that speaks on lateral thinking powers. Imagine how a car maker came up with such astounding models of cars. That was the peripheral feeling. The engineers tracked their way back to a word known as car. .
Adopt the learning management system of these outsourcing services. Let the learning management system influence the workforce. It’s a guarantee that a miracle will happen.
Author Bio-
Gireesh Sharma is an author writing on Human Resource Management. His expertise includes e-learning consulting,e-learning management, and learning management system .