The majority of business communication happens over email – and the law sector is no exception.
Statistics have consistently proved that email volumes are set to increase and the prevalence of social media shows no signs of reversing this trend.
Sites like Twitter and LinkedIn are now first choice channels of communication for Business Development teams and if your firm is not following this trend then it will be soon.
But social media creates even more email and as such are not always a straight forward alternative.
The results Emailogic have achieved with law firms are consistently higher than our average.
Results show an average time saving of more than 45 minutes per person per day – which equates to a staggering 25 days per year saved – some of which can be billed.
Other results which stand out are: – reduction times email accessed per day by -54% – inboxes size cut by -34%.
Feedback from lawyers who attend email management training: “Of all the courses I have attended on working procedures this one has had the most beneficial effect on my behaviour and working day, relieving some of the stress caused by email”.
Another delegate put it more bluntly: “Everyone in the world should do this training”