Employee Engagement seminar – 4th Annual
Barcelona, 1st & 2nd February
Exclusive Speaker Panel:
David MacLeod & Nita Clarke –
Authors of the "MacLeod report – Engaging for Success" commissioned by the
British Government (Secretary of State for Business) and Part of the "Employee Engagement Task Force".
- Global Head of Employee Insight, Unilever
- Director, Engagement Operations & Recruitment EMEA, Google
- Group VP Organisational Capability, Coca-Cola Enterprises
- Chief HR Officer, Panasonic Europe
- Global Head of Performance, Culture & Change, ING
- Global Head of EE & TM, Maersk Drilling
- VP-HR Strategy & OD, Merck Serono
- Head of Global Engagement & Exit Survey Practices, Credit Suisse
Attend and:
- Foster a deeper understanding of your Company’s Culture & Desired Behaviours
- Mobilize your workforce around a new Business Strategy
- Build a Development Culture : a critical road to engagement
- Engage Critical Talent : Start Now or Pay Later
To get the brochure, please contact: iris.langa@teneoevents.eu
Visit our website: www.teneoevents.eu or www.teneoevents.eu/employee-engagement