The old adage that what gets measured gets done may well be true and often when it comes to development leaders are looking at developing the weaknesses of individuals until they reach an ‘acceptable level’. Now just stop and think about that for a moment. Spend your valuable resources and time developing someone in area so that they will become ‘acceptable’. Surely that doesn’t make sense.
Think about the people who are memorable in your life…. Yes, some of them will be memorable for having totally failed in some area, some will be memorable due to a shared experience, but a lot of people will be memorable for being excellent at something. Richard Branson was asked what the secret of his success was, to which he replied, “I do what I’m excellent at and I delegate everything else, and I delegate almost everything”.
So how about we spend our time and resources focussing on taking what we are good at and becoming excellent in that and build a reputation among our colleagues of excellence at doing things.
If you are a manager who wants to become an excellent manager, why not sign up for our next excellence in Management course.