In the past year I have found myself being a rookie quite often. I have moved countries, joined new teams, and in some instances, I was faced with entirely new situations. I’m by no means an introvert but sometimes the constant newness of a situation has pushed me out of my comfort zone and forced me into new habits.
Here is what I have learned through being the new kid on the block…
• Do not make assumptions and do not be afraid to ask questions. It is a good way to engage with your colleagues and to build rapport. Sometimes you might just be asking the questions that others are afraid to ask.
• Talk less and listen more. In starting a new role, you won’t know everything right away and that’s ok. Be patient! It will reveal itself overtime. Listen to your colleagues’ comments and critiques and develop/motivate yourself from there.
• “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” Believe that you are not the smartest person in the room. One can always learn from – and help others.
• Most importantly (or for me at least) is to be who you are. Do not pretend to be someone you are not as you will not be able to keep up the facade for long.
At interviews I always ask what the goals and tasks are that I should be accomplishing in my first few weeks. I then meet/exceed those to the best of my abilities. I have found that by understanding what is important to my colleagues and the business, I can help to work towards the company goals. This is one of the best ways to make a good impression.
If you have little work experience or are in a new field, it’s normal to feel a bit out of your depth. However, remember that you have gone through a process that has determined you were the right person for the job over all others that applied! Feeling a little uncomfortable in a new role is normal. Try not to over think it and instead spend time to understand the business, ask the right questions and concentrate on utilising your experience to add value without forgetting to enjoy yourself on the way!