However large or small your wellness budget is, one thing is for sure, you’ll be looking formaximum return on your investment for every pound you spend.  The simplest way to achieve this is to target every single one of your initiatives towards a specific audience. 

One way that we achieve this with our clients is to begin wellness programmes with initiatives that allow us to research the audience while making a difference from the outset. 

You can read one example of how this approach was successful here

A simple, effective, value for money wellness solution:

From what we learned during this initiative we went on to help the client set up:

All of these initiatives have a regular audience which ties in perfectly with the organisation’s objective of setting up a wellness programme that includes something for everyone.

If you’d like some help with setting up the most effective Wellness initiatives for your organisation, just give us a call on 020 8995 1302 – Jeff Archer –