In today’s economy where jobs are few and far between, individuals are battling with each other to stand out and make a difference – all eager to achieve the same goal of career progression. But how do you make yourself known and recognised?
Here, I give my view on what you can do to stand out from your peers, helping you to get ahead.
1. Enthusiasm
We all know some tasks can be menial but showing enthusiasm for everything you do and arriving at work with a smile on your face will be noticed, demonstrating your passion and helping you to get ahead.
2. Initiative
Using your initiative throughout your daily activities to provide support where required and to pre-empt situations before they arise will ensure productivity and efficiency; both for you and your team.
3. Speak Up
Don’t be afraid to speak up if you have an opinion, spot a mistake or believe a meeting is unnecessary. This will show that you have self-conviction and ideas that are worth listening to.
4. Technology
With many individuals and companies already utilising new technologies, don’t be the one that lags behind. Hosting meetings on relevant platforms, such as WebEx, for document sharing and hosting calls will differentiate you and enhance productivity.
5. Participate
Actively participate and always have something to say whether it is over email or face to face. Being prepared ahead of meetings will ensure you have valuable ideas and opinions.
6. Be Prompt
Be five minutes early for all meetings and calls, arrive at work in plenty of time and ensure all deadlines are met. This will reiterate your dedication to the job, demonstrating your eagerness to get ahead.
7. Willingness
Be willing to learn by jumping on every opportunity you are given whether it is through training, attending seminars, asking questions or background reading – this will help expand your knowledge, helping you to stand out.
8. Immersion
Immerse yourself in company culture by attending team building activities and adopting company work ethics. Being agile and fitting in with the company shows your long term commitment.
Demonstrating the above characteristics will help you to get ahead in the game and be recognised by the people who matter. Remember to always be performing at your best; you never know who could be watching!