PART TWO Last week we told you about a time travel challenge we posed some of our clients. We asked them in 20 years’ time, when you look back at HR, what would you tell people it was famous for? We asked them to complete the sentence: “A long time ago, in a company far, far away, there was an HR department that…”. (difficult to explain out of context – read last week’s blog if you missed it!

Having kept you in suspense, here’s more detail about the themes that emerged from a group of international HRDs….

1. The reduction or removal of HR headcount having been replaced by technology or their activities transferred to line-manager/employee.

Phrases like:

Some interesting insights in these observation are clearly the recognition that technology is replacing some (many) HR interactions with clients that are currently face to face, and secondly, that HR may almost, but not quite, disappear. HR is not just about administrative tasks, but in the eyes of some of these individuals, this is the work that overwhelmingly consumes the majority of HR resources. Clearly this is a common direction of travel for many businesses and the clear realisation that HR departments in the future will be leaner, meaner (?) and more “niche”. So, what would these future HR teams specialise in?

2. HR changed to become more futuristic, integrated business support instead of a “traditional” service provider of resourcing, training, ER, comp and ben, employee surveys and so on. This was represented by insights such as:

These statements provided some perspectives about the new role of client-facing HR roles and the different knowledge base required to be successful. There was some discussion about the continued relevance and importance of these “traditional” domains, but a recognition that the pressures highlighted in Theme 1, were taking much of this away from internal headcount The above are not intended to be the best answers, or the only answers, but the process of asking the question, inspired, challenged and created a lot of thoughtful discussion and debate. So, what actions are you taking today, to make HR famous in 20 years’ time? Have a great week!