Eros on Piccadilly has been cleverly turned into a snow dome, Mr Jones up the road, in a stunning feat of engineering, has decided to project a smiling face of Santa onto the side of his house (why not if that’s what floats your boat) and we’ve been looking for the end of the sellotape since July!

As it’s my last blog before Christmas I thought I’d take a look through the last 12 months of the Tinder-blog. The snippets which we’ve shared made me smile; Jason, Lyn and I swam 10k down the River Dart, Julie used every trick in the (Leadership) book to get her family to align on the house renovation project they’re undertaking and Helen had a frustrating first hand experience of managing self when an injury kept her out of the water for a few weeks.

So my counsel to you is to take some time to look back and smile. Whatever 2013 has thrown at you find the good in it –  it’s time which you’ll never get to experience again. Find some memories which make you laugh, cry and anything in between…..and then decide to make 2014 even better!

by Carole Miller