I’m a big fan of lunch at work. It’s a great excuse to take a break and get to know folk a little better. I worry about how much the humble yet important lunch break gets overlooked these days, indeede I’d go so far as to say the lack of lunch breaks is a reason why companies are dying.
So I was pleased to hear about a simple, enjoyable initiative called Keep Lunch Interesting being spearheaded by an HR team. What is it? In the words of Adam, the promoter, "What is KLI? It is the light at the end of a boring lunch tunnel, it is the people of the HR team saying enough, enough of the boring homemade salads and local takeaways. There is more to lunch if you are prepared to order in advance and broaden your culinary mastication routine." Love it!
Once a week a different option is on offer and all you have to do is check the menu, place your order by 10am then Adam phones it through and goes to collect. Simples! Last week’s choice was provided by an excellent Vietnamese restaurant, this week it’s a random selection from the local market and sometimes folks are encouraged to make something at home and bring it in to share.
Importantly – this cool idea is encouraged, there is no pressure to take part. The invitation closes with "If you don’t want or like the KLI choice, you don’t need to take part there is no pressure. Variety is the spice of life".
I agree – what a great idea!