When we spend so many of our waking hours in the office, it comes as little surprise to learn that a comfortable and inviting office environment will keep us happier in our working day. To keep your staff truly happy and content in their new office space, you’ll want to ensure a number of areas are addressed when you’re setting up your new space. 
Firstly, your office space should be kept neat and tidy. Making a space organised for staff and providing ample storage and opportunities to keep things in order will make staff happier as they won’t be spending their time rooting through piles of papers in order to find what they need. This can mean organising your paper materials, your office storage, your electronic files or even making sure the office stapler can be found.
Build team spirit and a sense of community by ensuring that workers are placed in reasonable proximity to one another. Isolating staff will only lead to them feeling cut off and even ignored. Look at your office layout and try to find a compromise that keeps all parties connected but not crowded.

Environment is crucial to maintaining a happy and productive office space, so make sure that aside from your new fit-out furniture that you have sorted all the ventilation and lighting systems to create the best possible atmosphere for staff. The temperature should be adequately adjusted and the furniture should be comfortable and of a decent quality.
By implementing just a few of these tips, your new office space should become a welcoming place where employees look forward to spending time.