The CIPD’s measure of job satisfaction has dropped from a score of 46 to 37 according to the latest Employee Outlook survey of 2,000 staff. More people (42 per cent) reported excessive pressures at work, compared to six months ago (38 per cent), while employees were also more likely to say they have seen increases in stress and conflict at work, as well as bullying by line managers. It’s interesting and concerning, although maybe not surprising.
Their findings link to some of my own and are supported by an interesting report on how change impacts engagement published by Right Management. According to their recent global study, ninety-four percent of employees who report that change was not handled well in their organizations are disengaged. I think a lot of these issues are borne from a breakdown in trust within organisations. This in turn results in a reluctance to think and act without being told to do so. I’ve summarised the findings on my blog and suggested some practical stuff people can do to help turn the tide. Feel free to read, think and do.
As always I am keen to get your feedback. Are you seeing evidence of falling job satisfaction? Have you done anything to turn the tide?