This year, like others, many of us will claim to no longer bother setting resolutions for the New Year but workplace psychologist Bill Dyment tells us never to give up on them.
We should instead use the start of the year to set clear and specific goals, write them down and importantly share them with others. This, he tells us, will ensure we fair better in achieving our resolutions than those who just say they know what they need to do.
Planning also seems to be the key to goal-setting; making plans to help you achieve your goals and sticking to them.
I do like the idea of sharing my goals or resolutions with others. I think that's because it gives me a sense of responsibility towards that person, having made a public commitment to do something even if it's doing something for me like losing weight.
I also uphold the concept of setting goals and do loads of planning, but must confess to struggling with my time-management, possibly because I'm a self-confessed control freak and struggle with delegating.
Recently I came across an alternative to all of this that strikes a chord with my philosophical way of looking at life; the concept of 'One Word' – a word you decide for yourself that will help you to push forward some aspect of change or growth in your life. Some people choose a 'word for life' while others choose a new one each year.
Whatever you do, there are some guidelines to help in identifying your word.
Your word should be one that:
– Reflects your past and where you want to find yourself in the future.
– Inspires passion within you.
– Makes you feel the fear but gives you strength.
– Is in line with your values and morals.
– Creates a challenge for you.
– At times brings tears and frustration.
– At times brings happiness.
My 'Word of the Year' is RECONNECT which for me is about doing just that with family, friends and colleagues.
What is your 'One Word?'
Julie Gordon heads up the team at cHRysos HR Solutions, an organisation specialising in the delivery of CIPD and CMI accredited qualifications, as well as the provision of HR and business consultancy services. With over 20 years' experience in learning and development within the private and public sector, Julie's key strengths are now in the management of the learning and development process and in work-based learning. As well as working in industry, Julie has held various academic teaching posts and has published journal papers in the field of learning and development.
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