With  many ‘Twihards’ counting down the days until the much anticipated release of the final instalment of the Twilight Saga ‘Breaking Dawn Part 2’ , it seems vampires aren’t the only ones sucking the life out of individuals. Similar creepy goings on can be found in offices all over the world as cynics, moaners and grouches damage the attitudes of others.


Damion Mannion recently blogged about managing cynics, in his article he  highlighted the increasing number of individuals who seem to be killing the life and soul of workplaces all over the globe! Marrion highlights 3 devastating impacts of cynical behaviour:

Marrion stresses the need to counteract workplace negativity by:

‘Remaining positive, constructively criticising, stopping rumours and speaking well of others’

Whilst Twilights’ clan of vampires may enjoy sucking the life out of their victims, it is important for employers and employees alike to encourage a rather more positive way of thinking and working!

As Winston Churchill once said…

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”

There are a variety of statistics which support Churchill’s notion. Gallups’ 2011 survey revealed thatorganisations typically have 1 in 6 employees who are actively sabotaging the functioning of others and 25% of employees witness incivility every day (check out Balanced Worklife’s article titled ‘Is your negativity destroying your workplace?’). 

Equally shocking, according to the Bureau of Labour, US businesses lose $3billion a year to the affects of negative attitudes and behaviour at work.

Maintaining high levels of staff morale and engagement is undoubtedly difficult in an unstable economic climate, but ensuring that your workforce is constantly encouraged to adopt and maintain a positive attitude at work is essential, and can have more of an impact than you might think.

Whilst Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart join their co-stars on the red carpet for the vampire finale, let’s ensure that we don’t sink our teeth into the positive attitudes and behaviours of others. Don’t let your office become the ultimate vampire den, encourage positive thinking, creativity, innovation and recognition and hopefully we can put the vampires of the office to bed!
