Online education is the hottest topic in educational sector these days. Back in the day’s students doesn’t use prefer such a system but now its scope is increasing day by day. People are getting much awareness and they are actually giving it a priority. According to a survey conducted by department of education, it has been observed that on average, students doing some or all of the course online would rank in the 59th percentile in tested performance, in contrast with the average classroom student scoring in the 50th percentile. That is a meek but statistically significant difference.

“The study’s major significance lies in demonstrating that online learning today is not just better than nothing — it actually tends to be better than conventional instruction,” concluded by Barbara Means, the study’s lead author and an educational psychologist at SRI International.

This doesn’t means that traditional classrooms should no longer exist or it doesn’t have any importance but online education is the fastest growing trend in educational sector and will is predicted to grow more in near future. Online institutions are providing a wide range of courses these days that gives the students a great list to choose from.

The major advantage of online education is that it gives flexibility to students. It provides a learning experience that is customized and more tailored for an individual. It incorporates students interest by making them doing things by themselves, which actually motivates them. Furthermore it saves time and money of the students who live in areas where good traditional schools are hard to find.

Online education these days are more preferred by working adults because it gives them flexibility and the required time they need to complete their courses. It gives them enough time to study and that to as per their needs.

Some of the accredited universities also offer placement facilities to students that help them in locating a better job along with the study. Students prefer such institutions in order to get quality education and better jobs to make their career successful.

Thus online education is more preferred these days as compared to traditional ones. In fact much of the universities are now offering online courses along with their traditional classroom courses. Proving the fact that online education is going a step ahead of traditional classrooms.

Author’s Bio
This post has been created by Ana Wilson, she is professional writer and has written various magazine and newspaper articles. She is currently working with dissertation writing services to help students find out the better sources for their dissertations.