Perhaps nothing resonates better than social media use in HR. It will not be an exaggeration to say that social media use in HR is going to be the next big thing to happen to HR. It will have the kind of revolutionizing effect that it has perhaps never experienced till now.

What is it that is so dramatic about social media use in HR that has the potential to alter its very core?

Resume no more

Social media use in HR will ensure that the most relatable tool HR uses for a candidate, the resume, will become defunct. Doesn’t this sound alarming? Yes, but it is going to become the reality. Social media use in HR will build a candidate’s profile using parameters that recruiters most look at: referrals. The recommendations of a candidate or her skills on LinkedIn are a thorough parameter for getting instant references about a candidate.

Also, social media use in HR will mean that having built a real-time, genuine brand rather than a statement of past deeds will be beneficial to both the candidate and the prospective employer. This is a ready reference about the candidate, beyond which the organization’s HR does not need to look.

More targeted searches

One of the direct results of a more extensive social media use in HR is that it makes focusing on the exact candidate a lot easier. Social media like Facebook and LinkedIn create relevant groups of likeminded employees or colleagues. All that HR needs to do is to connect with these groups to find the exact candidate it is looking for.

Social media are a lot more interactive

Making company sites through social media a lot more interactive and intuitive with seamless integration of a number of parameters, or the process called gamification, is underway on a massive scale. This makes HR more hyperactive in its core areas such as candidate search. It is also going to alter the way information about the company is given and received, the way it can reach out to the outer world, the way HR is going to communicate with its employee and the way it lets its employees communicate with it. With all these developments, it is a certainty that social media use in HR will ensure that HR is never going to be the same again.
