Today, a summary of posts from other sites:

Globoforce Unveils New Innovations in Social Recognition at HRTech

Social media – and the accompanying policies – are much in HR and management news. Globoforce today announced one solution – Social Recognition that works at work.

Bringing the best of social into the workplace just makes sense. With Social Recognition employees can see and share the good work happening around them every day. Anyone can add “congratulations” to amplify every recognition moment, exponentially extending the emotional impact of knowing your efforts are noticed and appreciated.

Social Recognition keeps this information secure within your organisation. With this latest release, Globoforce is extending the power of social across mobile and internal corporate platforms, including the recognition industry’s first RSS recognition feed for corporate intranets. The newest release also provides HR leaders with more flexibility and control over the entire recognition experience – from nomination to approval to reward redemption.

Visit Globoforce at Booth 1139 at HRTech for a demo or learn more in the press release.

Respect, Power and Results at Work (Compensation Cafe, October 3, 2011

What does the DMV have to do with respect and power at work? Read my post today on Compensation Cafe to find out how a culture of respect reinforces in every employee, at every level, that all team members are critical to organisation success.

Why Reward Fairness Matters (Compensation Cafe, September 27, 2011)

Last Summer WorldatWork and the Hay Group issued a report on reward fairness. I see four important lessons in the report.

  1. Fairness Matters.
  2. Annual merit increases cause strife.
  3. Recognition, incorrectly implemented, causes strife, too.
  4. No one cares about Years of Service or seniority fairness.