Shaun Rein recently shared a powerful lesson in a Forbes article, “United Airlines Shows How Not to Run Your Business.” In the article, he shares several stories of customer service gone wrong, destroying customer loyalty in the process. He notes also that employee morale is “in the gutter” contributing to the “terrible customer service.”
Rein posted a reply from United management, which cited customer service and employee incentive payouts. While I appreciate United’s reply, reliance on such metrics can be blinding. Their employees are clearly speaking their reality, but management is not listening.
This is the same story we’ve seen play out across numerous companies, but the end is not inevitable. What shouts from the story and the many comments are disenfranchised employees, some willing to work hard and give there all even though they see no appreciation for it from HQ, their bosses or customers (as seen in a comment from a dedicated Denver-based baggage handler), and others who simply do not care and are even sabotaging the organisation (as seen in the article itself and throughout the comments such as the “barking” flight attendant mentioned in another comment).
Why not try rewarding behaviour you DO want to see — excellent customer service from all? Why not let employees themselves notice, appreciate and reward that behaviour in their colleagues? From United’s reply, we see they are making incentive payouts. But it doesn’t seem to be working. Cash in the hand is fine as far as it goes (which isn’t very far, indeed), but have they bothered to sincerely, directly and personally thank individual employees for specific behaviours that the company so clearly needs? Have they empowered employees at any level to show such appreciation in a meaningful way?
The power of appreciation, based on company values, can and has changed or reinforced company cultures as positive, customer-oriented places to work. What would such an approach mean in your organisation?