We all know that technology has dramatically changed how people work; but for a growing number of employees worldwide, it's also changing where they work. The International Data Corporation (IDC) says 1.3 billion people will work remotely using mobile technology by 2015. At 37.2% of the entire workforce, that number represents one in three workers taking the 'office' out of 'office job'. Easy mobile working enables employees to be productive on the move and makes it easier for companies to provide better flexible working benefits.

This is an increasingly important factor for employers to consider, and a recent study found that, for Generation Y workers, benefits such as workplace flexibility, work-life balance and the opportunity for overseas assignments are more of a draw than financial rewards. If companies don't embrace this flexibility, they may find their employees getting a little too mobile and leaving altogether!

With warmer weather (hopefully) just around the corner, at SMB.co.uk we're looking ahead to the summer months and anticipating a further rise in demand for flexible working by employees across the country. To accommodate a mobile workforce, employers need an HR management system that enables employees to stay productive – even in the park. Here's what a great mobile HR solution looks like:

Is your HR mobile-ready? Future-proof your HR with a mobile employee management system – register for a free 14-day trial of SMB.co.uk today.