This week is national chip week which had me wondering about other perhaps more healthy foods. I discovered that yesterday was national cook a sweet potato and banana bread day (it’s got fruit in it so it must be good for me right?). Then realised I’d missed national soup week and national carrot day. Along the way I discovered it was national dog biscuit appreciation day – best go tell Fido!
This blog of course could go a number of ways. The things that spring to mind for me include:
- Don’t wait for national anything day (or week) to remind you of things that are good for your wellbeing.
- National anything week (or day) are generally started by those who will benefit most from selling more of them. Which was highlighted yesterday when a well known high street retailer sent me an email reminding me about nation chip week. They also had a section on Winter Health Care which simply promoted all the products available to make you better when you’re ill. Rather than those products with less margin that might just keep you healthier to start off with!
- Not waiting for a particular week or day to appreciate those you work with. Appreciation shouldn’t just be once a year around appraisal time or just for Christmas. When did you last appreciate someone and are you following a pattern or was is spontaneous and in the moment?
Don’t forget to keep an eye out for national watercress & apple pie weeks later in May will you.