It’s 2010 and however you are feeling after the Christmas break and now all the snow, are you clear about where you are heading in the next 12 months?

Are you wondering what your next step is? Looking forward, are you sure which direction to take or where you want to be? Or are you facing some tough decisions and don’t know which route to take?

Time Life Coaching can help you re-discover your sense of direction, gain insight into areas of your life where you could grow and develop, and help you understand the challenges you face and find the ways in which you feel comfortable meeting them.

Our meetings provide a safe environment in which you will be assisted and encouraged to look within yourself to find answers to many of your questions and challenges. We will help you explore and consider options and choices and help you find the way to action those choices.

Our approach
Using our experience of different personal development techniques and holistic healing methods, we can reach outside traditional coaching methods to develop a very personal approach that best suits your personality. In particular, our shamanistic approach is one method that many find very helpful.

To find out more or to book an appointment, please contact us on 01628 620711 email

All our coaches are qualified and insured and you’ll be matched to your ideal coach.