I know many people can and do use stress to provide them with the necessary motivation to achieve their goals. However often stress isn’t helpful and can lead to many physical and emotional symptoms that can play havoc with day to day living. It’s this type of stress I want to consider here.

I don’t know about you but I often don’t realise how stressed I was until I’m no longer stressed. I then realise that I’m sleeping all night, laugh more, grump less, get on with people better, eat more healthily, and have access to a head that makes sense. There are also many physical symptoms that suddenly disappear too. So what can we do to reduce stress’s impact on us?

I know I have a few things I stop doing when stressed which if I can overcome the desire for constant doing can keep me more balanced and grounded. These include taking baths not a shower (I use it for quiet thinking before the day starts), taking a walk on the beach and taking to positive (rather than negative) friends. I also realise that I need to take care on what TV programmes and books I’m watching and reading. I know that sounds odd but recently I watched so much NCIS I realised it was having a negative impact.

Of course they’re things that work for me – to help get a more comprehensive list I asked a question on LinkedIn (see link at bottom) and here are some of their suggestions:

·         Exercise

·         Mediation

·         Being in nature

·         Play with children

·         Laughing

·         Taking time out

·         Dream

·         Planning

·         Exploring your expectations

·         Retail therapy

·         Chocolate J

We’d love to know what works for you? Why not leave a comment and share your ideas in comments below.

The key is knowing what helps you stay relaxed and ensure you do those things more regularly and pay special attention when you stop doing them.


Please note that at certain times in our lives our reaction to stress does require assistance from a third party – friend, Dr, counsellor etc. So please ensure assistance is requested if this is the case for you or some you know at the moment.