Yesterday I spent the day at the RobertsonCooper Wellbeing network conference. There were a host of speakers, from Dr Steve Boorman, who spoke about his work with the NHS and Royal Mail, and David Macleod, who explained his Engaging for Success report: to Jamie Mitchell, former MD of Innocent with the innocent way to do business and Annemie Ress who enlightened us on the challenge of directing HR at global .com eBay and what to say if one of your employees in Estonia demands a dragon as a pet for the office.

No, really.

If you didn’t catch it live on Twitter, I tweeted some of the best words of wisdom from the talks:

At Business Wellbeing Network Annual Conference: standby for tweets as Steve Boorman starts his keynote…

Annemie Ress, HRD, eBay:

David Macleod

David Macleod wins quote of the day: we have these things on two legs, they’re very difficult, have opinions… we delegate them to human resources

Ivan Robertson:

Jamie Mitchell, formerly of Innocent, is next at the Wellbeing network conference.

The conference takeaway really was that wellbeing is not a part of HR, or a part of business: it is HR and it is business. Without one, the other doesn’t happen, or at least, doesn’t foster productivity and successful business.

There’s lots more to come on the issues raised during the conference, but in the meantime, in case you were wondering, the answer to the dragon question is yes, as long as it has enough space and is well looked after (it’s a komodo dragon, by the way). Apparently some of the offices have cats and what their kittens get up to are more concerning than any dragon.