The conclusions of the recent surveys by the Hay Group and Department of Business, Innovation and Skills continue to show what gets reported almost every year now – that employee engagement is linked to business performance.  

These are not new findings and the message is clear: organisations could achieve greater productivity and growth if their culture supports high-performance.

So why, despite the evidence, are we still not seeing leaps to higher numbers of engaged employees and more businesses that are making engagement happen?

I believe we needs HR, Communicators and Managers to do more. Specifically:

1.  HR Leaders must demonstrate the need for better equipping managers with the skills and confidence to be better engagers – and secure investment to do so.

2.  Internal Communication Professionals (often in HR) must coach their leaders and managers more effectively  to be better engagers

3. More managers themselves need to prioritise and value their crucial role in engaging others.

Without these three factors happening, we risk further reports that continue to show the same trend. It is time to act.