I recently wrote a short piece for “The Debate” in the Business Reporter’s special report on Employee Engagement which was published in last weekend’s Sunday Telegraph. The question was “What next for employee engagement?” I've reproduced it for my latest blog and would like to share it here.

The business case for engagement has been well and truly made. For many companies engaging their people is fundamental to how they do business. But for many others, it’s about measurement and communication, and little else – something to be handled by HR and Communications.

That is a big mistake. Engagement is about much more than measurement and communication. It’s about the way we lead, manage and involve people, how we align their attitudes and behaviours with business goals. It’s a hard performance issue rather than something soft and fluffy; it’s a proven driver of competitive advantage and delivers measurable ROI.  As such, it needs to be embraced at the heart of a company’s operations and built into its DNA.

The next big challenge for engagement is to get recognised more broadly as the key performance driver it is, and adopted by every leader and manager in the company. It’s much too important to be simply left to HR or Communications.

Click here to see the full debate:

Click here for a short Video in which Mark Allison explains how to turn your employees into true believers of the business and its goals

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