At People Business we work with many clients on Multisource Feedback and Development centers. One of the most common questions that clients ask me is how early can a new manager or a leader take an assessment. 

Typical solutions that are provided are :

1. The manager or leader is ready to have a performance assessment

2. He/She completed 6 months or completes a probation period

3. If there is a specific need for assessment

We also provide another suggestion which is critical. If we are doing an assessment primarily based on competencies and for development, do it even as early as 3 months. This really helps the individual who is taking the assessment to get valuable feedback and understand the course he/she is taking. While giving feedback, I find it very valuable and most of the new joiners appreciate the value of the feedback and thank the organization for providing them with this opportunity. 

I look forward to hearing your views on this….do write to me at sandeephrm at or sandeep.krishnan at You may post a comment below otherwise.