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Bridging Europe’s IT skills gap


From sister site EU Business comes the following article:

Using the Internet to help to get personnel with IT skills into the best position is just one of the themes of the forthcoming ‘Online recruitment in the e-economy: turning Europe’s jobs strategy into reality’ taking place in Brussels on 20 February.

Attending will be European Employment and social affairs Commissioner Anna Diamantopoulou, as well as representatives from the private sector, NGOs and academia. Issues such as recruiting across borders, the effect of the EU’s immigration policy on skills availability and the role of online recruitment in the employment sector will be the focus of the event.

The venue of the event will be La Maison de l’Europe at the Bibliothèque Solvay, Rue Belliard 137, 1040 Brussels.

For further information, please contact: Roberta Bonometti
E-mail: Tel: +44-7770-221955 or Clare Richardson E-mail: Tel: +32-2-7387594.

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