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Annie Hayes




CBI launches human capital awards


Could you be onto a winner? The CBI, in association with Microsoft, has launched the Human Capital Awards which aim to recognise the contribution innovative schemes make to overall corporate performance.

With eight categories, the awards are open to anyone with truly results-focused people management.

The CBI’s director-general Richard Lambert said: “People are the UK’s biggest asset. We all know that. But too often we pay lip service to this idea without really giving our people credit for their direct impact on the bottom line.

“Getting the best out of people is not about providing the most generous pay and benefits packages. It’s about understanding and responding to employees, using and enhancing their know-how, listening to ideas, feeding them back, innovating, managing change and growing together.

“These awards recognise that excellent people management really does pay. It pays the employee. It pays the organisation. It creates success. And the ultimate beneficiary is the entire UK economy.”

The eight categories are:

  • Innovative Ways of Working – for an organisation that has radically changed its working practices in response to competitive challenges.

  • Service – supported by Shoosmiths -for an HR initiative that has led to a dramatic improvement in an organisation’s or department’s service delivery to its customers.

  • Managing Change – to recognise major people-related initiatives made necessary by significant corporate/economic events such as mergers or new growth targets.

  • Leadership, Skills and Education – for initiatives in these areas that have led directly to business success.

  • Global Achievement – supported by Harvey Nash-increasingly relevant, this award will recognise international people-related initiatives that have delivered business results.

  • Growing Business – for smaller companies whose lesser resources are countered by imagination and the individual commitment of those involved.

  • The People’s Champion – for an individual who exemplifies through their own and their organisation’s actions, the best in people management.

  • The People’s Organisation – supported by Investors in People – this ultimate award will go to the organisation that can show a complete appreciation and application of the principles of great people management.

To nominate your organisation, or another, and for further information about the awards, visit

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Annie Hayes


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