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CBI warns of destabilising campaign on EU directive


The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has warned of a “destabilising campaign” by supporters of an EU-wide directive on information and consultation.

John Cridland, Deputy Director-General, spoke out against the move in an interview with BBC Radio Four’s Today Programme.

He said: “Those in the European Council who want to see this thing through are playing politics. They think if they talk about opposition crumbling long enough it will eventually happen.

“The CBI is fully behind our government in stopping it. We hope other governments in Europe have the same steel to stand up against what would be a very bad measure for business.”

Mr Cridland later added that it would be “wholly unnecessary” to require all EU employers with more than 50 staff to consult workers according to a fixed set of rules.

“EU-wide legislation on this issue would be a bridge too far,” he said. “Firms must be allowed to communicate with employees in ways that reflect national and local customs and practice.”

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