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Euro 2004: Don’t give staff the red card



It’s no coincidence that the number of sickies has shot up due to Euro 2004 and the sunny weather and employers are understandably suspicious.

However, “if an employer suspects an employee is skiving, they mustn’t jump the gun and take disciplinary action until they have investigated the problem and are certain the absence was not genuine”, warns Richard Smith, HR expert at Croner Consulting.

“Employers should remind staff of the company policy on absenteeism and stress that skiving will not be tolerated. Explain it is understandable that they may wish to celebrate the football season, but they should not let it interfere with their job. Often just a firm reminder is enough to make staff think twice before ringing in sick.”

From a legal perspective, a typical contract of employment states that employees should be fit for work. A hangover is not a genuine illness and by taking time off they are in breach of their contract and an employer is well within their rights to take disciplinary action.

Tim Ablett, Chief Executive of FirstAssist said you should show staff you understand by getting into the spirit of the championship. He suggests hanging flags and wallcharts around the office so staff can keep track of the results and organising sweepstakes – always a good way to enhance morale and discourage absence.

Surviving Euro 2004

  • Make sure all staff are aware of the company policy on drinking and absence

  • Closely monitor absence levels of all employees and make employees aware that their absence has been noted

  • Make it clear to staff that a hangover is not an acceptable reason to call in sick

  • Highlight how it puts pressure on their colleagues when they are left to cover for them

  • Provide employees with televisions so they can watch the crucial matches and make up the time afterwards

  • Be flexible for staff wanting to take holiday to recover from football celebrations the night before

  • Emphasise the feeling of team spirit within your company to make staff think twice before taking sickies

  • Arrange an office celebration in case England go all the way.

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