Illustration of a bearded person in a yoga warrior pose, arms extended, symbolizing a moment of serenity amidst burnout. A green leaf and a green circle containing white dots adorn the background. The individual is dressed in a dark shirt and shorts, embodying calmness and balance.

Resources and solutions

From burnout to balance: Reclaim employee wellbeing

Employees are frazzled and fed up – and it’s no wonder. The high demands and pace of work today are contributing to soaring sickness rates, unprecedented burnout levels, an unused holiday epidemic, rising loneliness and digital exhaustion.

How can organisations confront this complex wellbeing challenge? Powered by Breathe, this hub offers guidance, case studies and research-informed insights to help you prevent employee burnout and foster better work/life balance. Discover how to shape a healthier workplace culture that re-energises teams, drives sustainable performance and boosts retention.

Brought to you by:

Breathe is one of the UK’s leading providers of HR software for SMEs, empowering busy small businesses to simplify their people admin. The goal is to help small organisations reclaim their time by centralising employee information, managing holiday requests, monitoring burnout, tracking performance, and much more.

People are the focus of Breathe and are the most important part of any SME. Breathe believes that fostering employee wellbeing is crucial for ensuring businesses can grow. Breathe believes in prioritising mental health, encouraging work-life balance, and providing tools for stress management, to create a supportive and thriving workplace environment.

Breathe is also the wellbeing partner of Culture Pioneers – a campaign launched by HRZone and TrainingZone in 2020 to foster positive change in workplace culture.

Recent years have been challenging for employers and employees due to Brexit, Covid, and rising costs. Employees who skip time off risk burnout, affecting productivity. Recognising the need for a healthy approach to time off, Breathe surveyed 1,000 UK employees to understand their holiday habits and provide key actions for employers to take. Learn more in the report.
Four infographic sheets with statistics about workers' holiday days: bar charts, bullet points, and text in shades of blue, green, and white. They present data on the usage and distribution of holiday time, highlighting trends that can combat burnout among employees.

Expert insights

Expert guidance to help you create strategies to promote healthier work environments and prevent employee burnout.

Burnout signs and prevention

By Aimée Brougham-Chandler

Anticipated UK legislation

By Aimée Brougham-Chandler


Comprehensive guides, templates and webinars to help managers and SMEs foster a supportive and balanced workplace, ensuring your team can disconnect and recharge effectively.
Get into the minds of the UK workforce and understand the reasons why they choose to take holiday and, perhaps more importantly, why they don’t.
Implementing the right to disconnect policy – the essential template for managers and SMEs
Discover key signs of burnout every manager should recognise, practical solutions to support employee mental health, and insights from Breathe’s holiday report on the rise of burnout among UK workers.
with Lizzie Benton & Jemma Fairclough-Haynes, hosted by Amy Rosoman 11am | 5th September 2024 | 60 mins

Case studies

Find out how Breathe helps businesses – just like yours – manage their HR more effectively.

Office wall with Casterbridge Wealth Investments logo, featuring a stylized lion emblem, and various indoor plants in the foreground, creating a serene atmosphere to combat burnout.

Casterbridge Wealth

Learn how Breathe played a key role in supporting business growth by maintaining efficient HR processes with tools and reminders that kept the team on track.

A large group of people posing outdoors with the Easby Group logo above them, enjoying a break from burnout amidst trees and greenery in the background.

Easby Group

Learn how Breathe improved overall management efficiencies and saved money for Easby.

Three people smile for a photo at a conference, wearing lanyards and business casual attire, exuding energy despite the burnout often associated with such events. Other attendees are visible in the background.

Cinnamon HR

Learn how Cinnamon HR turned their business around with the help of Breathe's Partner Programme.

Wellbeing vs business priorities

There are growing concerns about the impact of hybrid working on connection, team management and culture. Is the focus on individual wellbeing being prioritised over that of the needs of organisations and customers?

By Ella Overshott


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20 February, 11am GMT

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et

By Name Surname
Illustration of three people celebrating beneath a badge icon with a checkmark. Text reads: "Employee recognition - A tool for surviving in turbulent times." Discover more on our Content Hub. Logos of HRzone and Achievers are present.

Employee recognition. A tool for surviving in turbulent times

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et
Illustration of three people celebrating beneath a badge icon with a checkmark. Text reads: "Employee recognition - A tool for surviving in turbulent times." Discover more on our Content Hub. Logos of HRzone and Achievers are present.

Employee recognition. A tool for surviving in turbulent times

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et


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Brought to you by:

Change Leader Forum 2024

Thursday 21 March 2024 – 6 pm to 11 pm Uncommon Liverpool Street, EC2M 7PP
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A group of people stand together at a social event, holding drinks and laughing, creating a lively atmosphere. Multiple individuals are engaged in conversation within this warmly lit indoor space, much like the vibrant interactions you’d find in a bustling Content Hub.


20 February, 11am GMT
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Promotional banner for an HRZone webinar in partnership with Cornerstone, showcasing four images of a person labeled "Name Surname, Cornerstone," with insights on creating a robust Content Hub.


Your guide to designing and embedding a culture where your people flourish, your customers benefit and your organisation achieves its goals.
A brochure titled "Culture Change that Works" by Pecan Partnership features a cover illustration of people collaborating on large steps, set against a striking purple background. This content hub is designed to underscore important keywords for driving effective SEO strategies.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et

Four identical headshots of a person labeled "Name Surname" from Cornerstone. The background features a "Webinar" title and the HR Zone logo at the bottom, highlighting an event from our Content Hub.
What is the point of corporate values if they don’t force leaders to live in accordance with them?
Promotional banner for an HRZone webinar in partnership with Cornerstone, showcasing four images of a person labeled "Name Surname, Cornerstone," with insights on creating a robust Content Hub.
What is the point of corporate values if they don’t force leaders to live in accordance with them?
Four identical headshots of a person labeled "Name Surname" from Cornerstone. The background features a "Webinar" title and the HR Zone logo at the bottom, highlighting an event from our Content Hub.
What is the point of corporate values if they don’t force leaders to live in accordance with them?
Promotional banner for an HRZone webinar in partnership with Cornerstone, showcasing four images of a person labeled "Name Surname, Cornerstone," with insights on creating a robust Content Hub.
What is the point of corporate values if they don’t force leaders to live in accordance with them?