Fly In, Fly Out definition

Fly in, fly out is a method of employment used in remote areas, particularly where industry is centred in a remote region (e.g. oil fields or mining). Employers will fly staff to the work site for a specific period of time, then fly them back to their home for a period of rest.

This method is used because the cost of relocating the individual and their family is more expensive than the cost of flights and temporary, basic accommodation. This is particularly true when there are no permanent settlements around the work site.  

Workers on fly in, fly out schemes will typically require workers to work long days (with no days off until they return home) – this means the level of amenities on-site needs to be relatively limited as employees will  only need basic relaxation or recreational facilities.

Some of the disadvantages of fly in, fly out policies include stress placed on familial relationships and a lack of regional development. The associated carbon costs of increased air travel may also be highlighted by some groups.

A related term is drive in, drive out – the same concept as fly in, fly out but the method of moving employees around is by car.