Boundaryless Organization definition

While traditional organizational structures have defined vertical and horizontal borders and hierarchies, boundaryless organisations are defined specifically by a lack of structures and an approach to business that is based on the free flow of information and ideas to drive innovation, efficiency and growth in a world that’s constantly changing. The concept was pioneered by well-known management thinker and former General Electric chairman Jack Welch, who wanted to break down existing barriers between different parts. Adaptability and flexibility are important criteria of boundaryless organisations.

Boundaryless organizations will often make use of the latest technology and tools to facilitate the breaking down of traditional borders, such as virtual collaboration and flexible working. With regard to employees, they may have more responsibility for their own projects and targets and be more able to achieve results in a way that’s appropriate for the project at hand. Because many boundaryless organizations are dispersed across geographic borders, employees may be from different cultures and countries but must work together. Because of this, boundaryless organizations require a strong set of core values and a strong vision.