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Annie Hayes




How Did I Get Here? Amanda Shaw, Head of Human Resources, Cottrills … continued


8. What’s the worst thing about working in HR and the best?
Managing the difficult decisions such as redundancy and redeployment, whilst knowing people personally – that’s always hard. The best is seeing positive outcomes from these situations and observing people as they flourish in their roles around the business.

9. What are the key issues preventing HR professionals from getting a seat on the board?
A lack of self worth on the part of HR – this has got to stop as the function has so much to offer. A lack of commercial and financial understanding will also be a stumbling block.

10. If you have a mantra/motto what is it?
We are often required to play devils advocate, advisor, negotiator, whatever. I always think of the phrase ‘wise counsel’ in order to step back from the problem before I respond.

11. What are you currently reading?
I’ve just come back from Florida where I read Score! by Jilly Cooper. I’d never read her books before – it’s a thoroughly enjoyable musical murder mystery.

12. What would be your desert island disc?
I really love The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face by Roberta Flack.

13. If you could have lunch with three famous people, dead or alive who would they be and why?
Bob Geldof, Stephen Fry and Peter Kay. Bob because he is eccentric and interesting, Mr Fry for probably the same reason, and the late entry, Peter Kay because he’d be the foil to make me laugh.

14. If you’d like to be remembered for one thing what is it?
I’d just like to be remembered! OK – I’m very determined, that is unlikely to be forgotten by those who know me!

Amanda Shaw is head of human resources at Cottrills, a specialist provider of reward and recognition schemes.

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Annie Hayes


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