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Annie Hayes



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HR Zone Members Newswire #163 – Employee E-abuse: A Major Business Concern?


HR Zone Members Newswire Issue 163
8 August 2006

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Free ePolicy handbook – how to avoid employee internet misuse

Bullying factsheet

Editor’s note
Creeping levels of employee email and internet use for personal
purposes could, arguably, be the payoff for longer working hours. But
should employees be allowed to use work facilities for personal use,
and if so, how can HR managers gauge when ‘acceptable use’ becomes
‘unacceptable’? Is it possible to build a policy which safeguards the
organisation but avoids treating employees as children? Sarah
Fletcher asks HR directors and managers. Scroll below to see this
feature and other items.

Annie Hayes MCIPD

Free ePolicy handbook – how to avoid employee internet misuse
This invaluable guide from The ePolicy Institute and St. Bernard
Software is for companies who need to establish rules and
guidelines for employees when using the internet. It covers e-
policy best practices and the activities that can seriously
affect companies including internet access, Instant Messaging
(IM), Peer-to-Peer (P2P) and email.

Feature of the week:
Employee e-abuse: A major business concern?
Sarah Fletcher asked HR Zone members whether a lenient approach to
employees’ use of company email and internet facilities is a sound
business move.

Key business solutions:
Catch up on the latest answers supplied by members at Any
Answers and have your say by posting your thoughts to:

Bonus payments
Iain Young offers some best practice advice for the payment of

Custom and practice
Members offer their advice on handling a flexible working
arrangement that no longer suits the business.

Withdrawing long service awards
“We are considering removing our long service awards, do we need
to consult?” Greg Brown looks at the wider perspective.

Bullying factsheet
Recently an ex-Deutsche Bank employee was awarded more than
800,000 pounds in damages from her employers after a judge ruled
she had been subjected to a “deliberate and concerted campaign
of bullying” by her co-workers. With employers now liable for
the bullying behaviour of their staff, do you protect your
employees from bullying? For help, why not download your free
bullying employee factsheet from CRONER-i Human Resources.

Legal advice on HR Zone
What’s the answer? Appearance as a selection criteria
Sam Swinstead gets legal guidance this week from Helen Badger,
employment law expert at Browne Jacobson and Martin Brewer, a
Partner with the employment team of Mills & Reeve on whether
it’s valid to select on the basis of looks.

Any Answers: Maternity leave and working for a second employer
HR Consultant Kathryn Aldred responds to an Any Answers posting
about the legalities of working for a second employer whilst on
additional maternity leave.

Ask your benefits questions at Any Answers
Any Answers sponsors Croner Reward invite members to ask
questions on any aspect of employee benefits from Pay & Benefits
Benchmarking and Reward Structure Reviews to Employee Share
Schemes. Take advantage of expert advice by posting your
questions to:

Can you help solve these business issues?
Catch up with the latest questions being asked by the community
and add your answers at:

Dress codes and retirement – are you willing to share your
policies with Sarah Jennings?

“Are employees entitled to car allowance during a period of
Ordinary Maternity Leave?” Asks Lawrence Donaghy.

Paula Miles is looking for some pointers on reward and
recognitions schemes. Can you help?

Jobs of the Week
Provided by
The specialist human resources job board

If you would like to advertise your vacancies on Changeboard and
have access to the thousands of jobseekers using Changeboard
each day, please click here for your information pack.

HR Manager
Michael Page
40,000 GPB

Talent Planning Manager
Competitive salary + excellent benefits

Internal Recruitment Consultant – South
Scottish & Newcastle UK
35,000 to 40,000 GBP + benefits

Organisational Capability and Talent Director
Courtenay HR
Cir. 70,000 GBP plus excellent benefits

Senior Human Resources Business Partner
sf group
55,000-80,000 GBP per annum

Welcome new members
This week, HR Zone welcomes members from the following
organisations, among others, to the site:

Plymouth City Council, Penguin Group UK, Ogilvy & Mather,
Complete Nursing and Care Solutions, United Biscuits, Tommy’s,
the baby charity, The Parkinson’s Disease Society, Health &
Safety Executive, East & North Herts NHS Trust, London School of
Economics, Business in the Community, AWD Group Plc.

Subscription information
HR Zone publishes a range of regular newswires, including:
* HR Zone Members Newswire: latest Q&A plus business solutions
* HR Briefing: your weekly news and features round-up

The HR Zone members newswire is now available in html as well as

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Annie Hayes


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